Shamshad Khan is a poet and coach in creative writing, resilience and inspired living. She works with individuals and organisations to empower and engage. Her poetry collection “Megalomaniac”, published by “Salt Publishing” was studied on the Lancaster University English Literature degree course. Shamshad toured internationally with her performances and collaborations with musicians and beatboxer. Her work featured on BBC “The Verb”, at The National Review of Live Art, Glasgow and literature festivals from Mexico City to Mumbai. Shamshad co-wrote/directed the multi-media show “The Moonwatcher” (The Horse and Bamboo Puppet Theatre, 2018). Shamshad will be writing the large-scale narrative poem, inspired by the DTA pupils' stories, which links the three sections of the young people's audio recordings together.
What interested you about Making Manchester, and why did you decide to get involved?
I got involved in the Making Manchester project because it was such an exciting opportunity. A chance for me to write poetry inspired by important stories told by young people and bringing together experienced musicians and a wonderful creative team.
How do you see Making Manchester being different from other projects you've been involved in?
This project is different for me because I've not yet met the young people or their families, but I've been inspired to write my poetry by their families’ journeys, it's powerful and special to be connecting with each other in this way.
What are you most excited about, as part of Making Manchester?
I'm really excited to see it all come together. There are so many different groups involved, inspiring each other and we only get to see the final impact we have made on each other on the final performance day.
What do you hope to achieve in your role as part of the project?
I really hope that the poetry script I write is uplifting and hopeful and connects with the feelings and experiences the young people's families have shared with them. I hope they feel that their lives and journeys are valued and respected in the poetry that they have inspired in me.
Two performances of Making Manchester will take place on 27/28th June at Niamos Radical Arts Centre. Tickets for are £5 and available from Skiddle, Tickets For Good or on the door.